What We Do.
The Dream It, Be It program focuses on coaching and empowering girls in secondary school who may encounter obstacles to achieving their goals in school or life. The goal is to provide support and tools, they may need, to achieve educational and/or career goals. The basic objectives are to:
- Give high school girls a great start to look toward their futures.
- Self Care and Safety.
- Provide decision-making tools to navigate school, life, and career challenges.
- Realize their dreams and goals.
- Build confidence.
- Explore ideas in a safe space.
What We Provide.
Participants spend time with our dedicated volunteers and Hart District professionals (government background checks and School District approvals needed) to:
- Identify educational, vocational, and career interests.
- Develop group cohesion and teamwork.
- Engage in various stimulating games and activities.
- Reflect on their values, aspirations, and interests.
Workshop Sessions .
(Each have a team-building activity and empowering videos/speeches)
- Explore Career and Self-Direction
- Discover personal and professional dreams
- Planning and Life Roadmap
- Goal creation setting and putting into action
- Overcome Obstacles while Navigating to Meet A Goal
Our club provides a continental breakfast, water, snacks, and lunch from our Jersey Mike partners. All participants are gifted a Dream it Be it logo T-shirt and a “Dream Big” gift bag.
Our dedicated club volunteers work from approximately 7:30 am – 2:00 pm. 8:30 am participant checks in and then transitions into sessions and activities that conclude approximately 1:30 pm.
Testimonials from High School Students
“I really loved being in this program and I hope I can return next year. The Mentors gave me hope in reaching my dream of being a Psychologist and no matter what challenges I face; I am capable of reaching my goals.”
“I now feel very empowered and proud to be a girl! I feel much happier to know there are others that felt like I did, and we are not alone.”
“I now have a better understanding of how to reach my goals without giving up so easily.”
“I was unsure on what I want to do after I graduate, and my mentors helped me to understand this is not a bad thing. They shared some thoughts and now I feel more confident. I may look into attending a trade school after I graduate.”
Program Co-Chairs.

Di Thompson

Monica Rangel